« Matot

Parashat Masei
פרשת מסעי

Devarim »

Torah Portion: Numbers 33:1 - 36:13
Year 1 Text: Num. 33:1-49

Full Kriyah
Triennial Year I
Triennial Year II
Triennial Year III
1: 33:1-10 (10 p'sukim)
2: 33:11-49 (39 p'sukim)
3: 33:50-34:15 (22 p'sukim)
4: 34:16-29 (14 p'sukim)
5: 35:1-8 (8 p'sukim)
6: 35:9-34 (26 p'sukim)
7: 36:1-13 (13 p'sukim)
maf: 36:11-13 (3 p'sukim)
1: 33:1-3 mp3
2: 33:4-6 mp3
3: 33:7-10 mp3
4: 33:11-23 mp3
5: 33:24-36 mp3
6: 33:37-43 mp3
7: 33:44-49 mp3
maf: 33:47-49 mp3
Read together with
Parashat Matot.
See Matot-Masei
Read together with
Parashat Matot.
See Matot-Masei
On Shabbat Rosh Chodesh
maf: Numbers 28:9-15 mp3 (7 p'sukim)
  • 02 Aug 2008

Haftarah for Ashkenazim: Jeremiah 2:4 - 28; 3:4 mp3
Haftarah for Sephardim: Jeremiah 2:4 - 28; 4:1 - 4:2

When Parashat Masei coincides with a special Shabbat, we read a different Haftarah:


List of Dates

Parashat Masei is read in the Diaspora on:


The Chumash: The Stone Edition (Artscroll Series)
Nosson Scherman, Mesorah Publications, 1993
Etz Hayim: Torah and Commentary
David L. Lieber et. al., Jewish Publication Society, 2001
A Complete Triennial System for Reading the Torah
Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Rabbinical Assembly
Navigating the Bible II
World ORT

« Matot Devarim »